
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Self Care

When I jumped into this profession, I knew, like everything else, I would embrace it like a bright new shiny toy that quickly would become boring if I didn't balance everything.    But, did that prevent me from doing just that?    Of course not.    I am now up to 5 jobs.     Amazing jobs, but jobs nonetheless.     I suppose I have 6 if you include mom/wife.   So yes, 6 jobs.      The on/off switch that most people have - I have been told I don't.    Perception is reality, right?   Well, when an opportunity presents itself I quickly accept without thinking about the repercussions.       This makes me spread myself way to thin and ultimately fail.      I have made a few positive steps.   I have requested one less shift at one of my jobs, I am becoming much more organized at the other, and assuming the second of these happens, I will make enough money to be able to drop of other shift at another job.       phew !       Rest is important.    Rest and autonomic flexibility are essential for my well being.    The fine line between selfishness and self care is still a little blurry.     Not sweating the small things? I have a PHD as far as I am concerned.  Hubby dear is on the opposite side of the spectrum...he stresses over the little things.    A messy house, a basket of laundry,  and a slightly open drawer doesn't bother me.     As a massage therapist, peace and balance is what we preach.    Our best clients are the clients who are able to relax after a massage, go home, drink water, stretch and feel good for days.        Of course those aren't the ones who necessarily keep us in business, though.  :)    After a session with a client, I always give homework.    Drink water; a specific stretch; 5 minutes  a day of "me" time.     99% of the time I get in response, "I wish I had the time to...."      With a smile I can only nod and say I understand.     But really, I don't.     I take me time.   I get regular massage.    I have fun with my family and friends.   I am irrresponsible.   I sleep when I am tired.     I am a better person for it.     Balanced and refreshed.       Self care means taking care of yourself.     Only the individual knows how to best take care of themselves.   LISTEN to your will tell you!     So - eat, drink, sleep, sit in the sun.     You have my support!  

Light and Love -

amanda, lmt

Monday, February 28, 2011



Well, here we go.   

I never knew where to start, so I am diving in head first as I do most things in my life.    I'd start off with introductions ( blah, blah, blah), but I will save that for another day.   

Today I had an exchange.    Webster's dictionary defines exchange:   the act of giving or taking one thing in return for another.    Today, I exchanged massages with another LMT.     But it was more than that.    It was an exchange of ideas, and ultimately the beginning of an exchange of trust.   While in Massage Therapy school, I was always the vocal one.  I wanted to know more, I wanted to know how I could be the best, I wanted feed back on every stroke I gave of a massage.     What I didn't realize was how intuitive massage is and I was actually not helping myself by looking for that much feedback.     Nonetheless, it is important to have someone you trust to make sure you are on the right path.     So today, not only did I get an awesome massage, but I was able to get some feedback on how my technique felt.    It was important to me, almost more important, to have the later.     I spent a good 90 minutes talking, asking, and explaining.    It was an exchange of ideas, situations and stories about our profession.  I am sure that she just wanted to relax, but I promised her I would do that next time as long as she promised to give me feedback at the end on at least one thing.   :)    It's always a process, right?
There, simple and true.     My first blog.     I have popped the proverbial cherry.    I hope the next time is better for us both.   :)

Love and Light....

Amanda, LMT